Matthias Cosler

A profile picture of Matthias Cosler


Reactive Systems Group
CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security
Saarland University Campus
Building: E 9.1, Room: 1.12
Phone: +49 681 87083 2549
eMail: matthias.cosler at
Office Hours: Whenever my door is open

About Me

I am a Ph.D. student in the Reactive Systems Group. I work at CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security while pursuing my Ph.D. at Saarland Informatics Campus at Saarland University.


NeuroSynt: A Neuro-Symbolic Portfolio Solver for Reactive Synthesis

With Christopher Hahn, Ayham Omar and Frederik Schmitt
30th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 2024).

nl2spec: Interactively Translating Unstructured Natural Language to Temporal Logics with Large Language Models

With Christopher Hahn, Daniel Mendoza, Frederik Schmitt and Caroline Trippel.
35th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV 2023).

Iterative Circuit Repair Against Formal Specifications

With Frederik Schmitt, Christopher Hahn, and Bernd Finkbeiner.
Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2023).


Summer 2024 Assistant for Neural-Symbolic Computing Seminar at the Reactive Systems Group.
Summer 2023 Advisor for Seminar Hyperproperties at the Reactive Systems Group
Winter 2017/2018 Teaching Assistant for Foundations of Algorithms and Data Structures at Holger Dell’s group
Summer 2017-2022 Organizer and Coach for Mathematics Preparatory Course at Saarland University
which received the BESTE award for student initiatives and extraordinary commitment
Winter 2016/2017 Teaching Assistant for Programming 1 at Dependable Systems and Software Chair
Summer 2016 Teaching Assistant for Mathematics Preparatory Course at Saarland University


[C22] Repairing Circuits with Transformers. Master Thesis. Saarland University, 2022.
[C19] Towards Synthesizing Smart Contracts: Reducing ATL* Synthesis to HyperLTL Synthesis. Bachelor Thesis. Saarland University, 2019.