Markus N. Rabe
Markus N. Rabe (Ph.D. Student)
Reactive Systems Group
Universität des Saarlandes
Phone: +49 681 302 5637
eMail: rabe at
Building: E 1.3 Room: 507
I just moved to UC Berkeley. Please find my new homepage here.
I study model checking problems for system properties beyond LTL and CTL*, including properties from information-flow security and also probabilistic properties. Their common feature is that they cannot be determined by considering a single execution of the system. I focus on their automatic verification using automata-theory and symbolic model checking techniques.
SS 2012 | Embedded Systems. |
WS 2011/12 | Proseminar: Softwarezuverlässigkeit. |
SS 2011 | Seminar: Games, Synthesis and Robotics. |
SS 2010 | Assistant for Programmierung 1. |
SS 2008 | Student assistant for Concurrent Programming at the Dependable Systems Chair. |
WS 2007/08 | Student assistant for a preparatory course. |
SS 2007 | Student assistant for Programmierung 2 at the Software Engineering Chair. |
WS 2006/07 | Student assistant for Programmierung 1 at the Programming Systems Lab. |
WS 2006/07 | Student assistant for a preparatory course helping new students to catch up to university level math. |