Course | Lecture Notes | Assignment Sheets | The Project |
Embedded Systems The Project
As practical part of the lecture, you have to design a Mindstorm robot.
In a first step, you have to design a Scade-Model of the robot.
From this model you have to generate C-Code, which you then integrate and finally upload to the Mindstorm.
Each group will be assigned time-slots in which the group can access a Mindstorm Roboter, upload the software to it and test it. Note that access to the hardware is limited to these time-slot and to room 404, E.1.03.
In Room 404, there is a computer available, where the complete tool-chain (Scade, nxtOSEK, Eclipse, a3) is available. Nevertheless, we strongly recommend to install the tool-chain (especially Scade) on your home-pc/laptop.
- The download-package for nxtOSEK is incomplete. Due to copyright issues,
the file sg.exe, which is mandatory is not part of the nxtOSEK package.
Instead, you have to download this file separately. See: - Please register your group by sending a mail to altmeyer (at) cs (dot) uni-saarland (dot) de
This mail must contain a) the names of the group members and b) the preferred time-slots to access room 401. Please also state if the group can work on a laptop or must use the work station.
Remember: You have to work in groups of 2 or 3 students.
Please also note that there was mistake on the old Milestone-sheet:
The Light Sensor returns values from 0 to 1023, the lower the value, the
brighter it is — and not the other way around as it was stated on the sheet.
- Scade Suite (VPN, only for Windows)
- set environment variable “ESTERELD_LICENSE_FILE” with value: “” only available within VPN^.
Lego Mindstorms Development Environment
Timing Validation
- a3 (direct link will be available in time)
- Robodog, general Description
- Milestone One
- Due: January 3, 2011
- Handout
- Milestone Two