Formal Verification of Security Protocols

Proseminar (5 CP)
Summer Semester 2018

Bernd Finkbeiner
Swen Jacobs



In this Proseminar, you will learn how to give a scientific presentation. Students will read up on a topic, summarize it, and teach the findings to their fellows in a presentation. After a practice run, students are asked to give feedback, enabling a process of improvement for the final presentation.

The topic of the presentations will be formal techniques that allow us to analyze security protocols and give rigorous correctness guarantees. Students will learn how security protocols and their desired properties can be formalized, and how such an analysis can be automated.


The literature for the Proseminar is only available in english. You are allowed to give your presentation and write your summary in German, but we advise against it: You are not graded based on your level of mastery in the English language, but on the quality of your presentation. The universal working language for computer science is English, so it is worthwhile collecting experience writing and speaking English.


Please register until 09.04.2018, 23:59 in the CISPA CMS. Please note that this is a common registration for all Proseminars offered at CISPA, and follow the instructions on that site.



Talks: We expect you to give two talks on the topics you have been assigned, an ungraded practice talk to provide feedback about the quality of your work so far, and a graded final talk.

Feedback and Discussion: Attendance to all talks is mandatory. We expect you to provide feedback to your fellow students after the practice talks, and participate in discussions after the final talks.

Summary: At the end of the semester, we expect you to submit a short summary of your paper.


We expect you to have passed Programming I. You will have to read scientific literature in English. Knowledge in cyber security is helpful, but not necessary.