Getting Started
This tutorial is based on one of StreamLAB's intended application areas: monitoring drones.
In this example, telemetry logs from ArduPilot, generated with the Software in the Loop simulator, are used.
You can follow along by using the provided streamlab binary or by using the somewhat limited web interface.
The example files and the current binary release can be found at
The Setting
We will use StreamLAB for sensor validation.
Our first goal will be to check that the number of visible GPS satellites is sufficient and that the GPS module provides position estimates at a given rate.
Checking the Number of Visible GPS Satellites
StreamLAB needs to know which
input streams will be used and what their types are.
Input streams are asynchronous, meaning that they do not have to provide a new value at the same time.
( In the CSV input a '#' represents the absence of a value.)
We start our specification by adding a declaration of a stream, which is provided by the GPS module and contains the number of visible satellites:
// number of visible GPS satellites
input gps: UInt64
The name of the input stream must currently match the column name in the CSV based input.
There are 32 GPS satellites so we should see at most 16 of them while flying close to the ground.
We declare an
output stream number_of_satellites_too_large:
output number_of_satellites_too_large := gps > 16
Because the output stream accesses only the
gps stream, StreamLAB infers that a new value is computed whenever the accessed stream produces a value.
(Remember the asynchronous nature of input streams.)
For more details on this and especially the case, where you access multiple streams, take a look at the
reference on when output streams compute a new value.
StreamLAB also tries to infer the data-type. We could also explicitly annotate the stream just like the input streams:
output number_of_satellites_too_large : Bool := gps > 16
number_of_satellites_too_large becomes true, we want StreamLAB to raise an alarm.
We therefore define a
trigger with a meaningful message:
trigger number_of_satellites_too_large
"Number of satellites is too large for flying near the ground."
We also add triggers for insufficient satellites:
trigger gps = 3
"Few GPS satellites in range. 3 dimensional location unavailable"
trigger gps < 3
"Few GPS satellites in range. No GPS location available."
You can now run StreamLAB on the provided input trace
line.csv with the specification we wrote so far:
// number of visible GPS satellites
input gps: UInt64
output number_of_satellites_too_large := gps > 16
trigger number_of_satellites_too_large
"Number of satellites is too large for flying near the ground."
trigger gps = 3
"Few GPS satellites in range. 3 dimensional location unavailable"
trigger gps < 3
"Few GPS satellites in range. No GPS location available."
You should use the
triggers verbosity and a relative time representation such as
relative_human so that StreamLAB prints all triggers with their respective time.
streamlab monitor spec01.lola --offline --csv-in line.csv --time-info-rep relative_human
You should see messages like:
22m 35s 155ms 175us: Trigger: Number of satellites is too large for flying near the ground.
22m 44s 726ms 949us: Trigger: Few GPS satellites in range. No GPS location available.
22m 49s 350ms 658us: Trigger: Few GPS satellites in range. 3 dimensional location unavailable
Checking the GPS Module's Frequency
Now we will use StreamLAB's real-time and aggregation capabilities to validate the GPS module's output frequency of 2Hz.
We declare two additional input streams:
input lat: Float64
input lon: Float64
We will now count the number of readings for each of the two streams in a sliding-window over the last four second plus some epsilon.
We do not want to make the computation of a new value depend on some other stream producing a new value, but instead compute a new value at a frequency of 20Hz.
By adding the
@ 20Hz tag after the stream name, we mark the stream as
periodic instead of
output not_enough_lat_readings @ 10Hz
:= lat.aggregate(over: 4.1s, using:count) < 7
output not_enough_lon_readings @ 10Hz
:= lon.aggregate(over_exactly: 4.1s, using:count).defaults(to:7) < 7
Here we used two different semantics for
sliding-windows, which only differ in the initial phase of monitoring.
While not sufficient time has passed to fill the sliding window, using
aggregate with
over already returns a value.
over_exactly starts by returning
None and the aggregation returns a value only once the complete window size was observed.
That is why we have to declare a
default value to define what value should be used when the aggregation returns
Take a look at the
reference on sliding-windows for more information on restrictions and the available aggregation functions.
We again add a trigger for each of the two streams:
trigger not_enough_lat_readings
"GPS module did not provide sufficient lat readings.(Ignore initially)"
trigger not_enough_lon_readings
"GPS module did not provide sufficient lon readings."
Initially the trigger for the latitude readings will fire several times because the number of observed readings is still too low.
The trigger for the longitude readings will not fire, because we used a default for the sliding window that is sufficient to satisfy our check.
Now try to run StreamLAB on the provided input trace
line.csv with the specification we wrote so far:
// number of visible GPS satellites
input gps: UInt64
output number_of_satellites_too_large := gps > 16
trigger number_of_satellites_too_large
"Number of satellites is too large for flying near the ground."
trigger gps = 3
"Few GPS satellites in range. 3 dimensional location unavailable"
trigger gps < 3
"Few GPS satellites in range. No GPS location available."
input lat: Float64
input lon: Float64
output not_enough_lat_readings @ 10Hz
:= lat.aggregate(over: 4.1s, using:count) < 7
output not_enough_lon_readings @ 10Hz
:= lon.aggregate(over_exactly: 4.1s, using:count).defaults(to:7) < 7
trigger not_enough_lat_readings
"GPS module did not provide sufficient lat readings.(Ignore initially)"
trigger not_enough_lon_readings
"GPS module did not provide sufficient lon readings."
You should use the
triggers verbosity and a relative time representation such as
relative_human so that StreamLAB prints all triggers with their respective time.
streamlab monitor spec02.lola --offline --csv-in line.csv --time-info-rep relative_human
Approximating the Ground Speed Through GPS
We can use consecutive latitude and longitude readings to calculate an approximate distance.
We need abs,cos and sqrt for the calculation so we have to import the math module.
The formula uses the Pythagorean theorem but first converts the longitude and latitude differences, measured in degree, according to the length of a meridian or respective equator parallel.
import math
constant meridian_length_in_meters: Float64 := 200003930.0
constant equator_length_in_meters: Float64 := 40075014.0
output lat_diff := lat - lat.offset(by:-1).defaults(to:lat)
output lon_diff := lon - lon.offset(by:-1).defaults(to:lon)
output lat_avg := (lat + lat.offset(by:-1).defaults(to:lat))/2.0
output lat_diff_m := meridian_length_in_meters / 180.0 * abs(lat_diff)
output lon_diff_m := equator_length_in_meters / 360.0 * cos(lat_avg)
* abs(lon_diff)
output distance_gps := sqrt(lat_diff_m**2.0 + lon_diff_m**2.0)
This formula gives a good approximation for small distances.
For distances less than 1 mile the error is below 0.5%.
We used constants to explain the used factors.
The approach above works but only if we receive new latitude and longitude readings at the same time.
By using synchronous access, meaning just using another stream's name, we tell StreamLAB to compute a new value only if that stream also produces a new value.
By accessing lat and lon, StreamLAB infers the conjunct of these two streams as the activation condition for computing a new value.
Due to asynchronous input streams, we could have a module provide latitude and longitude readings sequentially.
In this case lon_diff_m and distance_gps would never be computed.
For the scenario that the GPS module first provides longitude and then latitude readings we could fix this by replacing the synchronous access of
We can use a zero-order
hold on
lon and thereby remove the dependency on having a new value at the same point in time.
import math
constant meridian_length_in_meters: Float64 := 200003930.0
constant equator_length_in_meters: Float64 := 40075014.0
constant start_lon: Float64 := 0.0
output lon_offset := lon.offset(by:-1).defaults(to:lon)
output lat_diff := lat - lat.offset(by:-1).defaults(to:lat)
output lon_diff @ lat := lon.hold().defaults(to:start_lon)
- lon_offset.hold().defaults(to:start_lon)
output lat_avg := (lat + lat.offset(by:-1).defaults(to:lat))/2.0
output lat_diff_m := meridian_length_in_meters / 180.0 * abs(lat_diff)
output lon_diff_m := equator_length_in_meters / 360.0 * cos(lat_avg)
* abs(lon_diff)
output distance_gps := sqrt(lat_diff_m**2.0 + lon_diff_m**2.0)
Due to the hold,
lon_diff will now be evaluated whenever
lat provides a new value.
Now we will assume that we also have a clock running that gives us the current time whenever any input stream produces a value.
For offline analysis we need such time-stamps anyway.
In our case the clock will be providing a
time stream based on seconds.
We use the computed distance and the time difference between
lat readings.
input time : Float64
output lat_timestamp @ lat := time.hold().defaults(to:0.0)
output time_difference := lat_timestamp
- lat_timestamp.offset(by:-1).defaults(to:lat_timestamp-0.1)
output speed := distance_gps / time_difference
Another option would be to sample the latitude and longitude readings with a fixed frequency and determine the speed based on the position 1 second ago.
import math
output sampled_lat @ 10Hz := lat.hold().defaults(to:0.0)
output sampled_lon @ 10Hz := lon.hold().defaults(to:0.0)
output sampled_lon_diff := sampled_lon
- sampled_lon.offset(by:-1s).defaults(to:sampled_lon)
output sampled_lat_diff := sampled_lat
- sampled_lat.offset(by:-1s).defaults(to:sampled_lat)
output sampled_lat_avg := (sampled_lat + sampled_lat.offset(by:-1s)
output sampled_lat_diff_m := meridian_length_in_meters / 180.0
* abs(sampled_lat_diff)
output sampled_lon_diff_m := equator_length_in_meters / 360.0
* cos(sampled_lat_avg) * abs(sampled_lon_diff)
output sampled_speed := sqrt( sampled_lat_diff_m**2.0
+ sampled_lon_diff_m**2.0)
Now try to run StreamLAB on the provided input trace
line.csv with the specification we wrote:
import math
constant meridian_length_in_meters: Float64 := 200003930.0
constant equator_length_in_meters: Float64 := 40075014.0
constant start_lon: Float64 := 0.0
input lat: Float64
input lon: Float64
output sampled_lat @ 10Hz := lat.hold().defaults(to:0.0)
output sampled_lon @ 10Hz := lon.hold().defaults(to:0.0)
output sampled_lon_diff := sampled_lon
- sampled_lon.offset(by:-1s).defaults(to:sampled_lon)
output sampled_lat_diff := sampled_lat
- sampled_lat.offset(by:-1s).defaults(to:sampled_lat)
output sampled_lat_avg := (sampled_lat + sampled_lat.offset(by:-1s)
output sampled_lat_diff_m := meridian_length_in_meters / 180.0
* abs(sampled_lat_diff)
output sampled_lon_diff_m := equator_length_in_meters / 360.0
* cos(sampled_lat_avg) * abs(sampled_lon_diff)
output sampled_speed := sqrt( sampled_lat_diff_m**2.0
+ sampled_lon_diff_m**2.0)
You should use the
triggers verbosity and a relative time representation such as
relative_human so that StreamLAB prints all triggers with their respective time.
streamlab monitor spec03.lola --offline --csv-in line.csv --time-info-rep relative_human
RTLola Reference
RTLola allows two common types of comments:
// comments until the end of the line
Comments between the starting and ending delimiter.
The delimiters do not nest.
Available Data Types
- UInt64
- Int64
- Float64
- Bool
- String
Defining Input Streams
Input streams are declared with the input keyword followed by an identifier, a colon, and a type name.
Not all input streams have to produce a value at the same time.
Defining Output Streams
Every output stream has a data-type and a stream type.
There are two stream types of output streams:
- One type is called periodic and produces new values at a fixed rate.
- The other type is called event-based and produces a new value whenever the required input streams produce a new value.
If the stream type is not specified explicitly, StreamLAB tries to infer it from the stream's expression.
The same holds for the data-type of the stream.
Event-Based Output Streams
When do They Compute a New Value?
Event-based streams compute a new value whenever an input event occurs and the activation condition holds.
It is a boolean expression over the stream names using the boolean connectives ∧ and ∨.
The inferred activation condition is the conjunction of all streams that are synchronously accessed in the stream's expression, meaning that all these streams produce a new value at this exact moment.
The activation condition can further be restricted by explicitly stating it in the stream definition.
The explicit activation condition must imply the inferred one to guarantee new values for the synchronous accesses.
Periodic Output Streams
Periodic output streams produce a value at a fixed rate.
Accessing a Stream
Synchronous Access
A synchronous access is expressed by using a stream's name.
It signifies the named stream's value that was produced at the same point in time.
To guarantee that the named stream produced a value at the same time, the type system enforces some constraints:
For synchronous access expressions in event-based streams, the accessed stream must also be event-based and implied by the activation condition.
For synchronous access expressions in periodic streams, the accessed stream must also be periodic with a frequency that is a multiple of the accessing stream.
Offset Based Access
Offset based access is a special form of synchronous look up.
An integer based offset can be used to use a different value other than the current one.
Negative offsets access past values.
A time-based offset can only access periodic streams. In this case, the offset has to be a multiple of the period of the accessed stream.
Due to the possibility that the accessed stream did not produce the requested value, the value of the offset based access needs to define a default.
Optional Access
An optional access is expressed by using a stream's name and calling the .get() method on it.
It signifies the named stream's value that was produced at the same point in time, if it exists.
Due to the possibility that the accessed stream did not produce a value, the value of the optional access needs to define a default.
The accessed stream must have the same stream type as the accessing one.
Zero-Order Hold
A zero-order hold access is expressed by using a stream's name and calling the .hold() method on it.
It signifies the named stream's last value that was produced up through this point in time, if it exists.
Due to the possibility that the accessed stream did not produce a value, the value of the hold access needs to define a default.
STREAM_NAME.aggregate(over_exactly: DURATION, using: AGGREGATION)
A sliding-window aggregates the named stream's values that were produced in a time-window from now into the past with a size specified by DURATION.
There are two semantics that differ only initially while the monitor has run for a time less than the specified DURATION:
- Using over: DURATION causes the aggregation to produce a value even when the monitor did not observe the full duration.
- Using over_exactly: DURATION would produce None while the full duration was not observed.
Such an aggregation therefore needs to define a default.
If the aggregation function does not have a meaningful behavior for special cases, such as no or only one observed event, a default must be specified.
Sliding-windows are only allowed in the expressions of periodic streams.
Available Aggregations
- avg
- count
- integral
- max
- min
- sum